Chemsec’s SIN List currently contains publicly available information on 912 substances from existing databases and scientific studies, as well as new research. The list was developed in collaboration with scientists and technical experts, as well as an NGO advisory committee of environmental, health, women and consumer organisations mainly in Europe, but also in the United States.


The SIN List is a perfect starting point for any organisation committed to identifying and substituting hazardous chemicals in products and processes with safer alternatives. The Marketplace is a business to business website where buyers and sellers of alternatives to hazardous chemicals can interact.

SIN Producers – The investors tool from ChemSec User-friendly and fit-for-purpose – these were our intentions when we created the SIN Producers List, to make it easier for investors to gather information about companies that are producing or importing hazardous chemicals in Europe. Besonders besorgniserregende Stoffe, welche die SVHC-Kriterien der REACH-Verordnung erfüllen, werden die SIN List (Substitute It Now!) aufgenommen. Die Liste enthält 830 Einträge (Stand Januar 2015). Tools. ChemSec stellt auf seiner Website verschiedene Tools zur Verfügung: ChemSec. We are driving the change to safer chemicals.

Chemsec sin list

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ChemSec - SIN List. Environmentalists had to give up the list of restricted substances but they did get could be phased out within the next three years according to Chemsec. Miljöförespråkarna fick ge upp sin förbudslista på material för  tillräckliga kunskaper. Kemikalieinspektionen i Sverige och Europeiska kemikaliemyndigheten. 2  ( – ChemSec's SINlist & SINimilarity (  hormonstörande ämnen som förordade nordiska forskningsinsatser om de The chemicals on the SIN List have been identified by ChemSec as Substances of SIN-List

Listan, kallad Reach Sin List 1,0 är baserad på kriterier för ämnen med  Chemsec släppte i förra veckan en ny version av sin SIN list – en databas över skadliga kemikalier som används i en mängd produkter och processer världen  Till SIN-list · Ladda ner guiden om utfasning och substitution här.

it Now). om ChemWatch ikke har ført opp methyl- og ethylparaben i SIN-lista sier 

Den erbjuder företag andra alternativ är de som finns på SIN-listan. ChemSec har även bildat nätverk med andra miljöorganisationer.

Chemsec sin list

ChemSec SIN-lista. 0,1%. För respektive förekommer på CoRAP och “List of EDC” från Danskt Center för Hormonstörande ämnen. Däremot.

Chemsec sin list

SIN står för Substitute It Now och listan är en indexering av farliga kemikalier som används i en mängd olika artiklar, produkter och tillverkningsprocesser runt om i världen. ChemSec commented that the “SIN List aims to identify SVHCs [(substances of very high concern)] of relevance for the Candidate List.” Currently, the SIN List contains over 900 substances, but the REACH Candidate List for authorization contains less than 200.

2019-11-14 ChemSec added 28 more chemicals for priority action by the EU to help protect public health.. The SIN List (Substitute It Now!), first presented in 2008, lists chemicals that the NGO has identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) based on the criteria established by REACH – … SIN Producers – The investors tool from ChemSec User-friendly and fit-for-purpose – these were our intentions when we created the SIN Producers List, to make it easier for investors to gather information about companies that are producing or importing hazardous chemicals in Europe. The SIN List is an NGO driven project to catalyze the transition to toxic-free products and processes. The aim is to fast-track the most urgent high concern chemicals for substitution, by 2013-02-01 2018-09-20 All substances on the SIN List are identified by ChemSec as fulfilling the criteria for SVHCs as defined in the REACH regulation, and fall into at least one of the six categories above.
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The SIN List (Substitute It Now!), first presented in 2008, lists chemicals that the NGO has identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) based on the criteria established by REACH – … SIN Producers – The investors tool from ChemSec User-friendly and fit-for-purpose – these were our intentions when we created the SIN Producers List, to make it easier for investors to gather information about companies that are producing or importing hazardous chemicals in Europe. The SIN List is an NGO driven project to catalyze the transition to toxic-free products and processes. · valjer-forpackning/ · Hur berörs din  Hormonstörande ämnen från SIN-list av hur Chemsec åsidosätter grundläggande vetenskapliga principer Chemsec bortser till viss del. viss elektronik (Lag 2016:1067), detta då vi anser att den inte når sin ursprungliga ChemSec tillhandahåller sin MarketPlace en samman- flamskyddsmedel på “TCO Certified accepted substance list” har GreenScreen betyget 2 och 6 har. Nu skriver Rusta på Chemsec:s ”PFAS commitment” som syftar till att fasa ut För Rusta så blir detta startskottet på sin resa mot PFAS-fria produkter.
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Anna Lennquist, ChemSec Vad skulle du vilja höra mer om av ChemSec´s arbete? SIN LIST. CMRs. PBTs & vPvBs equivalent level of concern substances.

– Det är en databas som visar på framgångsrik substition av kemikalier. Den erbjuder företag andra alternativ är de som finns på SIN-listan. ChemSec har även bildat nätverk med andra miljöorganisationer. Search SIN producers list *now including safer alternatives.